Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Andrew's Service

There are just a few things rolling around in my head and Josh is at a meeting so I figured I would sit here and type.  The house is quiet, the fan is blowing a gentle breeze.  I can hear the hum of the fridge and my tired eyes are burning from a long day of exhaustion.  It's a nice moment.
School has started again and it couldn't have come any sooner.  I was very ready to be back in this type of routine.  Dropping the kids off while they learn and play and socialize.  All the while, I stay here at home with my two smallest, Jenna and Daniel.  It's a good time to recoup from the day before, to connect with Daniel more intimately, and to enjoy the baby phase all by itself.  It's only been three days but I'm already feeling rejuvenated.
Andrew has started his preschool at Wildwood Church.  As I picked him up today from school, I asked the teacher how he did that day.  She told me he had a hard time keeping his hands to himself.  I guess it was a problem the day before too.  He hit a little boy named Aiden on the playground.  I was not surprised but I hated hearing it.  I thought that Andrew would be more timid and more well behaved in the beginning of the year.  I wanted Andrew to know that this was a serious thing.  I didn't want it to be a joke or made light hearted.  We had a good talk.  I suggested making a chart where he could put a sticker for every day that he didn't hit anyone.  After five days, I will take him to get some ice-cream as a reward.  After that, we didn't talk about it again.
Fast forward to later in the afternoon.  The boys were reading their books while I got dressed for the day, at 2:00 in the afternoon.  I had just stepped out of a hot shower.  It felt so good to get clean, not to mention the fact that I had my bathroom all to myself.  I love turning on a conference talk and listening to the words of church leaders.  It really invites the spirit.  I listened to one talk about Joseph Smith.  It was good.  I gained some good perspective as I listened.  When it ended, I was only half way done with my make-up so I let it play.  The next talk was powerful and I felt the spirit speak to my heart.  The theme was how we, as mothers, are responsible for teaching the gospel to our children in our home.  Several great examples  were shared but what I heard speak to my heart was that I could do more for Andrew.  I could let this hitting/time-out instance turn into a real learning experience.  I called Andrew in.  We talked again about the incident.  I told him that one way we can make things right again is by doing service for the one that we wronged.  I asked him if he wanted to make a card for Aiden.  He did.  He came back with a little sign, written in Crayola marker, that said, "I'm sorry".   He stuffed it in his back pack and away he went.  We talked some more and he's going to give his little note to the little boy.  I know a note doesn't sound like much but the principle is there.  If we wrong someone, we can say sorry and move on but the better way is to also serve.  Service brings love.  Service brings forgiveness.
Andrew is the sweetest boy this world has to offer.  He is aggressive but his heart is as pure as gold.  I sat on the couch watching, "Call the Midwife" tonight.  Andrew kept coming out of his bed to show me how much he had read in the Book of Mormon Stories picture book.  He was so proud of himself.  He told me that he just wanted to do what was right.  I love his sweet heart.