Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Teaching with the Spirit and an Act of Kindness

As I was sweeping today, I had a few thoughts that I feel like I should record.  Sweeping must be a very methodical time for me because I have often received revelation while doing it.  Ha!

My first thought is about a Gospel Doctrine lesson that I taught a few months ago.  The lesson was on faith, and it went really well.  Sometimes, you leave a lesson knowing that you said what you wanted to say and it went how you wanted it to go.  This lesson was kind of like that but different in the fact that when I left that lesson, I had the distinct thought, "Oh, so that's how it feels to teach by letting the Spirit lead."  I certainly have felt inspired and felt the Spirit in my other lessons before but this particular time was different.  I felt like I completely followed the Spirit, instead of only at instances.  There was a time during that lesson that I felt prompted to say something, so I did.  I even told the class, I don't know why I need to say this, (and it was kind of off topic), but I feel prompted to say something.  There have been more lessons than not where I have prepared and prepared and then once I get up to teach, it all starts connecting and it is only THEN that I see how it all fits together.  A lot of those links come from the comments I receive during the discussion.  I can't predict what the people are going to say or bring up.  However, with the help of the Spirit, we are all taught and edified.  It's an incredible thing.

The second thought I had was about something that Anna did last week at school.  All of the girls in her class were teaming up and making fun of a girl named Mary Beth.  Even Anna's best friend, Keira, was going in on the "fun".  Anna, however, chose a different path.  Anna chose to be Mary Beth's friend.  She went and hung out with Mary Beth and stayed with her while all of the other girls chose to be mean.  Josh talked about this experience in his Primary lesson this past Sunday.  He asked the kids what they would do if they saw someone making fun of a person in their class.  All of the kids said that they would either go tell the teacher or they would tell the mean kids to stop.  Not one of them said that they would go stand by the one who was hurting.  That's exactly what Anna did though.  She went and comforted the person that was hurting and stood with them when no one else would.  She didn't give into peer pressure.  She chose the right, even when it was hard to.  She chose the right even when her best friend didn't.  She chose the right when the majority didn't.  I was so proud of Anna for making such a great decision.  I think that the Spirit really increased in her heart that day.  I know it did in mine.

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