Friday, January 22, 2016

Tender Mercies

I feel like I have tender mercies come my way all the time.  I want to start writing them down so I can remember all of these blessings.

Just this week, I mixed up the days for my doctor's appointment and realized it at the exact moment that my appointment was supposed to start.  Anna would have typically already been in school that morning but she wasn't feeling well.  I called the doctor to see if I could go ahead and come in.  They said I could so I quickly loaded the kids in the car and took off.  As I was driving, I realized that if Anna had gone to school that morning, I would have been at least 20-25 minutes later and the doctor probably wouldn't have been able to see me.  Tender mercy!

Another tender mercy was that a long time ago, I had a forgotten my anti-depressant at home while visiting my mom in GA.  I called the doctor and they were able to prescribe me some more while I was gone.  When I got home, the pharmisist gave me another months' worth.  I had a couple of weeks extra.  Well, this week I ran out of my sertraline and my obgyn wouldn't prescribe me any more.  They said I had to see a phyciatrist.  Well, I called to make my appointment but they couldn't see my for two weeks.  I called my PCP, and they also couldn't see me for that long.  Josh is out of town now, and I thought I would have to be without my medicine and at home alone with the kids for several days.  I know how bad my depression is without my medicine and I cringe to think what it would be like without my companion to help me along the way.  Then, I remembered that I had been given too much sertraline earlier.  Josh went and found it in the closet and it is just enough to get me through until I can get a new prescription.  HUGE tender mercy!!

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